With personnel cooperation, we are playing our part in shaping a better, sustainable future for the world. Here, AGIAMONDO focuses on the power of personal interaction and relationships and on the dynamism of joint learning.


We must all continuing developing if we wish to have a peaceful and just future together. Development workers from the Global South can help us to do so, drawing on their own personal perspective.


Acting together

For more than 60 years, AGIAMONDO has been recruiting motivated people to work at church and civil society organisations worldwide. As well as this, we advise organisations on all questions regarding personnel cooperation and offer a comprehensive service to executing agencies that offer voluntary services. We train development workers for international cooperation work and assist them before and during their assignment and when they return to their home country. We also design the programme for the Civil Peace Service.

[Translate to English:] Coronavirus - Kompetent und solidarisch Partner unterstützen

[Translate to English:]

Die Corona-Pandemie ist die größte globale Gesundheitskrise seit Jahrzehnten. Wir müssen die Ausbreitung des Corona-Virus verlangsamen und letztlich stoppen – in Deutschland und weltweit. Die Länder im globalen Süden stehen dabei vor ähnlichen Herausforderungen wie wir.
Bei aller Sorge sind die Voraussetzungen jedoch gut, dass wir in Deutschland die Krise meistern werden. Aber was ist mit den Menschen in unseren Partnerländern, vor allem dort, wo das Gesundheitssystem schwach ist? Menschen die keine Reserven haben und…


What development cooperation has to offer

Every day, more than 280 development workers are deployed in host countries around the world with a contract from AGIAMONDO, based on the German Development Aid Workers Act (EhfG). What do development workers earn? How are they insured for social security? How long does the working relationship last?



Civil Peace Service: Making peace possible

Peace is possible. A life without violence is possible. This is what the Civil Peace Service (CPS) firmly believes. AGIAMONDO is one of the programme’s executing agencies and deploys development workers to conflict regions.

