12 subsistence payments (and a prorated 13th) are based on your degree, experience, marital status, and your obligations to support your dependants. Other allowances will be considered on an individual basis.
Social insurance includes statutory pension, accident and unemployment insurance as well as health insurance for you and the dependants accompanying you.
In addition to statutory insurance, we also take out private insurance including professional and personal liability as well as accident insurance.
Individual seminars including language and safety courses ensure your personal development and effectively strengthen your work on location.
We bear the costs for medical examinations, the health check beforehand and vaccinations to ensure you are perfectly prepared for your assignment.
We bear the costs for rent and consumption. The pro-rata costs for furnishing your accommodation depend on the number of people living there.
AGIAMONDO Co-worker about their daily work and life in Cameroon
The CPS country program in Cameroon promotes role models for non-violent conflict resolution and develops appropriate approaches to reduce existing tensions and create long-term peace. Partner organizations expand school curricula to include peace education and dispute resolution and support acute conflicts over land and resources at community level with dialogue and mediation. The aim is to find viable agreements and involve government agencies in order to achieve long-term peaceful solutions. In addition, peace-building awareness is promoted in order to reduce prejudices and social divisions. Cameroon's cultural diversity is strengthened as an enrichment for communal coexistence.
The Commission for Justice and Peace (CDJP) in Kribi supports widowed women and their children. After the death of the husband, they are often affected by displacement, threats of violence and loss of inheritance. Parents-in-law often confiscate the deceased's documents to prevent widows and orphans from exercising their rights. The CDJP is committed to combating abuse of power in families and society and promoting peace and justice. The organization also focuses on peace education in schools and strengthening local communities.
How can I apply?
We will gladly accept your online application. You will receive feedback approximately 14 days after the application deadline.
What follows positive feedback?
We will invite you to the next available selection day. You will receive information about the procedure in advance.
What do the selection days involve?
Over the course of two days, we will provide you with specific information about the conditions and framework. We will also conduct selection interviews with you.
What happens after that?
If we consider you to be a good match for the assignment, we will request your consent to introduce you to the partner organisation. You will then receive a contract for the preparation period.
What does preparation include?
All specialists receive extensive training for 3 - 4 months in Cologne to prepare them intensively for their assignment.